
Apple, the tech giant known for its innovative products like the iPhone and Apple Watch, recently laid off over 700 employees. This news comes as Apple canceled its Apple Car project and reconsidered its Micro-LED display development strategy. The layoffs affected various departments, including those working on Siri and the Apple Car.

Key Update

Apple laid off more than 700 employees in California, impacting key projects such as the Apple Car and Micro-LED displays. The layoffs became public through WARN notices filed with the California Employment Development Department. These notices are legally required when a company plans mass layoffs or office closures, providing a 60-day notice to help affected employees transition to new jobs.

The Apple Car project, known internally as Titan, has been scrapped after years of development due to production challenges and high costs. Similarly, the Micro-LED project faced difficulties in producing enough displays, leading Apple to reconsider its strategy. Layoffs in these areas indicate a shift in Apple's focus towards more viable and revenue-generating projects. In addition, Apple's layoffs in its Siri operations in San Diego suggest a revamp of its virtual assistant, potentially in preparation for the release of iOS 18 later this year. These layoffs signal that Apple is focusing its resources on core products and innovation that aligns with the company's strategic direction.

Technical Terms


A display technology that uses tiny light-emitting diodes to create images, offering brighter and more efficient screens than traditional LED displays.

WARN Notice

A legal requirement that employers must give employees a 60-day notice before a mass layoff or plant closure, allowing employees time to find new work.

Relevance to New Tech Career Seekers

For those entering the tech industry, these layoffs highlight the need for flexibility and adaptability. As projects can be canceled or reprioritized, it's crucial to build diverse skills and be open to new opportunities within the same company or industry. Understanding the shifting landscape at major tech companies can also guide career decisions and job applications.

Relevance to Small Business Owners

Small business owners should take note of these layoffs, as they indicate a shift in Apple's strategic focus. This could lead to changes in Apple's product lineup, impacting accessories, software, or other related businesses. Additionally, it underscores the importance of agility and diversification in business planning, reminding owners to be prepared for market changes and customer demand fluctuations.




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