
As we approach the 2024 elections, both in the U.S. and globally, concerns about AI-generated deepfakes are intensifying. Deepfakes are synthetic media where a person's likeness is manipulated to appear as though they are saying or doing something they never did. These tools can be used maliciously to spread false information and sway public opinion.

Key Update

Recent studies reveal that popular AI voice cloning services are easily exploited to create convincing audio deepfakes of political figures. The Center for Countering Digital Hate tested six AI services and found that most could generate fake statements from politicians with little to no pushback. In one instance, a fake recording of President Biden warned of bomb threats at polling stations. Such incidents highlight the urgent need for AI companies to enforce stricter safeguards. While some, like ElevenLabs, have begun implementing measures, others lag behind, leaving the door open for misuse.

Technical Terms


AI-generated audio, video, or images that convincingly mimic real people.

Voice Cloning

Technology that replicates a person's voice using AI.

Relevance to New Tech Career Seekers

Understanding AI's potential for misuse is crucial for ethical tech development. Careers in AI safety and ethics are growing fields that require vigilance in creating and maintaining technologies that protect against such abuses.




