
Ever dreamed of exploring Mars? Well, NASA is making strides toward that reality, albeit with a twist. Before we can pack our bags for the Red Planet, NASA is meticulously preparing through simulations right here on Earth. Their project, the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA), is an innovative program designed to mimic the Martian environment as closely as possible. This initiative isn't just for astronauts; it's for scientists, engineers, and adventurers willing to live the Martian life without leaving our planet.

Key Update

NASA is calling all adventurers with a STEM background to apply for a one-of-a-kind opportunity: living in a Mars simulation for a year! This unique gig, part of the CHAPEA 2 mission, will kick off in spring 2025. Participants will stay in a 1,700-square-foot 3D-printed habitat in Houston, designed to replicate Martian conditions—from harsh environments to limited resources. The mission? Habitat maintenance, crop cultivation, and simulated spacewalks, among other tasks. Applicants should be US citizens aged 30-55, with a master’s degree in STEM or equivalent professional experience. It's a paid position, although the exact compensation details remain under wraps. The application window is open until April 2, so don’t miss your chance to contribute to space exploration from the comfort of Earth!

Technical Terms


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, a broad category of disciplines crucial in the modern workforce.

Analog Astronauts

Individuals participating in missions that simulate space conditions on Earth to test technologies and human behavior.

Relevance to New Tech Career Seekers

This opportunity is a golden ticket for those embarking on a tech career. It's not just about living in a simulation; it's about contributing to pioneering research that will shape future Mars missions. Skills developed during this mission, such as problem-solving in constrained environments, are highly transferable and valued across tech industries.

Relevance to Small Business Owners

For small business owners, especially those in tech and innovation sectors, NASA’s simulation project highlights the importance of adaptability and innovation. Understanding and following such missions can inspire new business ideas or solutions that are adaptable, resilient, and forward-thinking—qualities essential for thriving in today's competitive market.



